الأربعاء، 27 نوفمبر 2013

Butterball CEO: No, Our Turkeys Are Not Full Of Butter

Earlier today, we looked at the creation stories of more than a dozen famous company names, but we didn’t mention the curious moniker of the turkey company whose name has become closely associated with Thanksgiving.

In an interview with the AP, Butterball CEO Rod Brenneman clears up an apparently widely held misconception about the butter content of his company’s birds:

Many people think Butterball turkeys have butter in them, but they don’t. Basically the name came about because of their plump size and golden color. We’re proud of the Butterball name. There is no talk or joke about being a butterball at this company. Only about our turkeys. They’re plump.

Just about everyone knows that Butterball has long operated a turkey hotline for concerned consumers to call in with questions about how to prepare the bird, or just to talk turkey. But this is the first time that the company has hired men to man the hotline phones.

Brenneman says it’s a response to the growing number of calls coming in from men who are flustered by how to thaw, prepare, cook, and serve a turkey.

“One in four calls we get at the Turkey Talk Line are men, believe it or not,” he tells the AP. “We stepped back and looked at the changing Thanksgiving table and men are becoming more and more a part of, not only the carving of the turkey, but the cooking of the turkey.”

by Chris Morran via Consumerist

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