الخميس، 4 أغسطس 2016

Cereal Sales Are Still Gradually Falling

Sure, there are a few high-end cereal cafés out there, but overall the trend in this country is that Americans are eating less of the stuff. Why? Experts blame more hectic schedules, our aspiration to at least try to eat more protein and less sugar and other carbohydrates, and our just preferring to eat other stuff.

What does attract customers to cereal? Wall Street Journal analysis shows that sales are up for cereal that advertise sprouted grains, a version of familiar cereal grains that lets seeds sprout, giving the food a bit less starch and more vitamins.

Other cereal sectors that have increased sales include products that advertise more protein, and gluten-free cereal products. This is the case even though wheat contamination meant trouble for customers with celiac disease who bought Cheerios shortly after that product declared itself gluten-free.

Not to keep picking on Cheerios here, but when the brand created a “Protein” version of itself, the cereail somehow managed to have less protein and more sugar than original Cheerios.

Other than trying to follow trends, cereal-makers are trying to appeal to our nostalgia by btinging back beloved discontinued flavors, and introducing new products to tempt us. Is it working? While the fall isn’t dramatic, overall cereal sales just keep going down.

Can Food Makers Revive Soggy Cereal Sales? [Wall Street Journal]

by Laura Northrup via Consumerist

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