الخميس، 4 أغسطس 2016

How Well Do You Know Your Federal Bureaucrats? Take Our Quiz To Find Out

The federal government is an alphabet soup of bureaus, departments, commissions, agencies, administrations that report to various directors, chairs, commissioners, administrators, and cabinet members. It’s difficult enough for folks inside the Beltway to keep track of them all, so how much do the rest of us know about the people in all those huge concrete buildings?

Take our little quiz below to test your knowledge of administration insiders and regulatory rock stars. All questions refer to people currently holding office as of today (Aug. 4, 2016). With a new president coming in early 2017, many of the people in this quiz will be shuffled around to new gigs, or jettisoned into the private sector.

by Chris Morran via Consumerist

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