الخميس، 4 أغسطس 2016

Nike Getting Out Of The Golf Equipment Business To Focus On Apparel, Footwear

No more golf clubs, bags, and balls for Nike — from here on out, the athletics company says it will focus on apparel and helping golfers make those questionable fashion choices they love to make.

Nike’s golf equipment business was centered on Tiger Woods, but interest in him and the sport in general has waned in recent years. That’s led the company to announce that its focus is now on footwear and apparel, as well as spending more on partnerships with professional golfers, The Wall Street Journal reports.

“We’re committed to being the undisputed leader in golf footwear and apparel,” said Trevor Edwards, the Nike brand president.

Compared to the heyday of Tiger Woods, not as many people are playing the sport these days, as it turns out: U.S. participation rates for golf peaked at 30 million in 2003, according to the National Golf Foundation, and have leveled off in the meantime.

As a result, the golf industry just isn’t as thriving as it used to be, WSJ points out: in May, Adidas said it was looking to sell parts of its golf business. And the sport is Nike’s smallest category, with sales for the unite slipping 8% by the close of the most recent fiscal year on May 31.

Nike to Stop Making Golf Clubs, Balls [The Wall Street Journal]

by Mary Beth Quirk via Consumerist

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